Thursday 3 May 2012

Intensive But Lazy Organic Gardening

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Entrance stones (Photo credit: Wikipedia)"][/caption]

The other day I was looking for some information on organic gardening and was trawling through one of the large article directories when I came across an article by Dr John Yeoman PhD. In

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Saturday 7 April 2012

Eco-Gardening Tricks, Helpful Devices and Ducks

I have been keeping a close eye on my small garden pond since the annual explosion of frogspawn appeared a few weeks ago. The eggs have hatched and the pond is full of tadpoles which seem to be even more prolific than usual this year. My two young grandchildren came to stay for a few days last week

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Monday 19 March 2012

Titan Arum Now In Bloom

This titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum, is growing in the Kenneth Post Lab Greenhouses at Cornell University. The plant is only found in Sumatra and flowers very infrquently so when it does you want to grab your chance to admire it. The flower lasts for just a couple of days. Take a look at

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Friday 24 February 2012

Moon, Clouds And The Color Purple

The weather in January was unusually mild this year and my garden woke up thinking that Spring had already arrived. A short burst of extra hard frosts earlier this month soon dispelled the illusion and many emerging blooms have been cut back. One that I am watching carefully is the rooted branch of

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Monday 30 January 2012

USDA Zone Map 2012 And Weird Trees

The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map has recently been updated to take account of the change in the climate over the past few years. The revised map reflects the slight warming in the overall climate. Winters are not quite as cold as they used to be, so some plants might survive a little to the north

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Wednesday 4 January 2012

Mild Weather, Compost And Grow Your Own Gnome

"Mild Weather Tricks Plants To Thinking Spring Has Arrived" is a headline I saw recently and is certainly true for my garden. In December there were only a few frosty nights and January so far is mild and wet. The camellias have clearly decided that spring is here. The first flower appeared a few

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